I want to share this thought with my true friends, old friends. When they’ll read this, im sure they will identify themselves with this message. And I dedicate this specially to my dearest friend, Natalie Wagner. Who has recently left to germany, again L.
I once read “The definition of a friend from day to day, nothing defines the quality of our lifes as the unwavering affirmation in the eyes, in the voices, in the presence of our friends. It is through them that we truly begin to know ourselves; and it is their affection that assures our dignity and our worth” > Robert Sexton.
I truly believe this. And to “ Natalie and David” it might sound familiar to you guys because is from the old days of my famous book :P, of our famous book. Today I have found a name for our book, cause is not only of my property, it belongs to all of us. It’s a common thought, a common spirit, a common feeling that we must all share with our other friends, with the world. We shall all spread our words, and what makes us unique, what makes us be so special, what makes us be different. This book is a symbol of a common spirit and culture. And its thoughts shall not remain to ourselves. It is private, but is also what life is about: time, friendship, bonding, love, society, history, art, and our earth “our environment”> the human being, what we care about. I believe we can share it, and have it as a representation of a circle. Of one mind, an old book.
Time is walking by, leaving its steps behind, and giving us hope and the desire of wanting more and more. Looking backwards, we have shared our time together and of course our most true feelings between ourselves. I have learned so much in so little time, and it seems so long ago… and I’m still learning. You guys always remind me what my north is. And every time I forget, I just have to take a second, and look back, because sometimes we lose ourselves into banal things, and we forget what we are deep inside. Always looking back to remind our young spirit, innocent, dreamers, lovers, and just a free spirit. Never judging anybody, cause is about accepting, transforming and just doing with what you have, with what you are.
When our wings have been cut, we must all learn how to make them grow again. Have a strong spirit, have the courage to go on. We are fighters, dreamers, and we must stand up to whatever we believe in. “We are what we believe in”> Benjamin N. Cardozo., and “we will always be the best we have” Woody Allen. And of course “we must always be happy and grateful to God, no matter what situation we are in”> lts 5:16. Everything happens for a reason.
With lots of love>
An old friend, a dreamer, a fighter, a lover and a young spirit.
Paranormal Activity (2007)
Hace 15 años
2 comentarios:
today I send u the second part of something I wrote, not even so long ago, in the old book. This way, I finish someting I began and it's for you to read it...
it's the spanish version of Hesse's "Stufen"...
Así como toda flor se enmustia y toda juventud cede a la edad,
así también florecen sucesivos los peldaños de la vida;
a su tiempo flora toda sabiduría, toda virtud,
mas no les es dado durar eternamente.
Es menester que el corazón, a cada llamamiento,
esté pronto al adiós y a comenzar de nuevo,
esté dispuesto a darse, animoso y sin duelos,
a nuevas y distintas ataduras.
En el fondo de cada comienzo hay un hechizo
que nos protege y nos ayuda a vivir.
Debemos ir serenos y alegres por la Tierra,
atravesar espacio tras espacio
sin aferrarnos a ninguno, cual si fuera una patria;
el espíritu universal no quiere encadenarnos:
quiere que nos elevemos, que nos ensanchemos
escalón tras escalón. Apenas hemos ganado intimidad
en un morada y en un ambiente, ya todo empieza a languidecer:
sólo quien está pronto a partir y peregrinar
podrá eludir la parálisis que causa la costumbre.
Aun la hora de la muerte acaso nos coloque
frente a nuevos espacios que debamos andar:
las llamadas de la vida no acabarán jamás para nosotros...
¡Ea, pues, corazón arriba! ¡Despídete estás curado!
Gracias mi amor. Me encanta y creo que se identifica con ambas. Hablame del proyecto aquel que no me terminaste de cometar.... escribeme TQM
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