lunes, 22 de septiembre de 2008


We all have an idea of what our ideal match would be. Don’t we? Well, we grow up
fantasizing about whatever and whoever we are going to end up with. What if you never imagined how your ideal match could or would be?
I have sat here, and observed how everything works. Lol. Is funny how people go from a relationship to another just to fill that empty space and never have realized that is better to be alone than to be with the wrong person. It seems this is a solitary thought among all the others that think is just wrong to be alone.
Society pushes you to get involve with someone, even if you know is not right. I guess we have to learn from mistakes like this. And when you do not want to get involved people wonder around what’s wrong with you…they wonder if you have jumped the bridge.. lol. In fact, there is nothing wrong with you. What is wrong with them? Can’t a 20 something year old girl or guy just be alone? We are young… and I guess is better not to settle for something that has no future, when you know what you deserve, you just haven’t found it.
Are you too idealistic that is almost a dream what you desire? Is it too much to ask for something you know you deserve? Well I’m the type of person that has learned why not to settle with some bargain junk as I call this type of arrangements.
Don’t we all deserve a kind person, considerate, honest, sensitive(not a wuss), smart, funny, comphrensive…. And the most important FAITHFULL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gee…. I never thought that could be an issue… I guess it is in this market… FIDELITY HERE, doesn’t exist, I guess is almost impossible… lol….Is fidelity real? I know it is… but here sometimes it looks like a fairy tale. I can count with my right hand the couples that I know that have been faithful to eachother. Is it too much to ask? Or am I just becoming too damn cynical? Well, maybe is just a maybe, but I’m not lying to what my eyes have seen.
Isn’t love just a chemical reaction? Isn’t it about a predetermined mold of an ideal mate? Isn’t it about communication, intellect, physical attraction and overwhelming emotions? To me, is an encounter of two minds, bodies and souls who find themselves helplessly drawn to each other auras. I guess I’ll try not to settle for anything less.
Have you ever had something like this? I know I haven’t…yet. Im still waiting for “my prince charming”.

8 comentarios:

Piloto Varado dijo...

there's a quotation from a bernese musician which says: "wieso auf den richtigen warten, wenn es mit dem falschen fägt?" ("why should people wait for the right one if you have fun with the wrong one?"). "fäge" is bernese german and difficult to traduce, but it means: have fun, to feel alright. it doesn't mean: "to have a sexual relationship". (talves en dominicano: "tripear")

Loupe dijo...

lol, but if you are just having fun with the wrong ones... then u are just somehow ... giving your heart an opportunity to get hurt for something unreal :P, and banal... and just becoming part of the society krapy trends... :P
Diferentes sociedades, diferentes pensamientos... todo es una ilusion, que somehow becomes your reality. Having fun is cool, when no feelings are attached. The question is ... how can you not get attached?

jeandaniel dijo...

Very interesting, Loupe.
At last, someone with a clear idea of true love. Most of the time. people just think about 'doing the job', and they want to make us believe that love is those feelings and the selfish passions one may feel.
I completely agree with you on that it's better to live alone than start a relationship without future with the first guy, because of peer pressure or just to not be different from others.

I'll be back to say more, Lis.


Loupe dijo...

Gee... thanks jay. Just read your msg.

Annasofia dijo...

hi ya! thanks for your comment. =) a lot to read on your blog, and I will for sure do as soon as I have the time. Luckily for me you write in English.

By the way, here's another cosmopolitan! I don't like illusions like boarders...

Annasofia dijo...

one more thing, read your latest post and I agree with you. I was so-called "alone" before I met Martin (I really was not alone at all, since I had myself first and foremost, and also my absolutely wonderful friends and family, while everybody around me seemed to be alone IN relationships, which is a thousand times worse obviously!!)

Then I met him, and we´ve never fought - as in had an argument worse than just a disagreement - we never yelled at eachother and we've never been in a bad mood with eachother for more than about fifteen minutes at a time.. Many people say fighting is necessary and a realtionship without them is impossible or even boring, that fighting spices up things and make sex for example more exciting. Bullshit I say!! We communicate even when we don't agree, it's not at all like we always want the same thing, believe me, it's just that we TALK about things, always in an open and respectful way. That's why we don't fight and therefore we don't bring any negativity in. That makes it easier and a hell of a lot more fun to love eachother and enjoy eachothers company. True love really does exist!!

Loupe dijo...

Thanks, is always refreshing and pleasing to hear about good stories, great stories, and more when it comes to love. Thanks a lot annasofia to share it with me :). And thanks a lot for your comments, hope you enjoy my blog.

Yo, la anotadora dijo...

Todos estos comentarios son de personas conocidas, o amigos de la blogosfera?
Bueno... acerca de esto hay mucha tela por donde cortar. Empiezo por decir que estoy totalmente de acuerdo contigo. En mi caso, debo responder al menos una vez por semana por qué no tengo novio. Como si fuera algún prerrequisito para ser feliz o algo por el estilo. No existe una razón para no tenerlo, sino muchas "razones" para tenerlo que no han llegado a su punto. "Los hombres de tu país están ciegos", me han dicho algunos extranjeros. No es que ellos estén ciegos, ellos ven. Y yo también. Por eso estoy viviendo mis emociones y sentimientos en libertad. Lejos de ataduras estúpidas del primero que se le ocurra pretender mis favores.

Por otro lado, existe la tendencia al "amor" del momento. No juzgo esa posición, excepto el hecho de llamarle "amor". Hemos reducido el significado de la palabra "amor" a otras como "caricias", "favores sentimentales", "sexo" y demás sinónimos. Deberíamos llamar las cosas por su nombre y dejar "amor" para cuando realmente lo sea. Porque ya estamos cansadas(os) de escuchar te amos no fundamentados. Lo cual nos predispone negativamente para cuando debamos escucharlo de quien realmente ha decidido amarnos.

I´m ready for love.